The Chicago Women's Graphics Collective
Interview with Mary Ellen Croteau

In 2006, The Herstory Project exhibited a number of Chicago Women's Graphics Collective posters in the UIC Student Union art gallery. Prior to the opening of the exhibit, former CWLU member Katie Hogan interviewed feminist artist Mary Ellen Croteau who acted as curator for the show. Katie Hogan now works at the Heartland Cafe and has a Saturday morning radio show on community station WLUW.

You may listen to the interview below.



WGC Group Photos

We have three group photos from the Graphics Collective. If you were a graphics Collective member and have other photos you'd like to share, please let us know.

The Chicago Women's Graphics Collective: An Introduction

by Stacy: This is a selection from Stacy's BA thesis for Northwestern University, "Sisterhood is Blooming". It has been edited for clarity and context.

Their art is for women's sake

by Glenda Sampson: This article from Chicago Today discusses women's art collectives with special attention paid to the Chicago Women's Graphics Collective.

Chicago Tribune Article on the Graphics Collective (1973)

Posters That Express the Reality of Being a Woman by Linda Winer: This article originally appeared in the February 11, 1973 edition of the Chicago Tribune.)