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Honoring Jenny Knauss

Honoring Jenny Knauss

Memorial honoring Jenny Knauss to be held Nov. 16

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Voices of Chicago Women Activists and Leaders: Oral Histories 1945 - 2000


Chicago Area Women's History Council and Columbia College Honors Oral History Class invites you to a program of student oral history presentations in connection with our project:

"Voices of Chicago Women Activists and Leaders: Oral Histories 1945 - 2000"
Dr. Erin McCarthy, Associate Professor of History at Columbia College, led her honors students in a semester long introduction to the methodology and practice of oral history interviewing using CAWHC's project as a foundation for the class' research and interviews. In this program students will present an edited version of their interviews in a variety of creative formats.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
12:30 - 3:30pm
1104 S. Wabash, Room 504
This program is free and open to the public. No reservations are necessary. Light refreshments will be served.
Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Chicago Area Women's History Council 
The Chicago Area Women's History Council is a non-profit, membership organization that promotes the documentation, interpretation, preservation, and sharing of Chicago women's history. Founded in 1971, the organization serves as a dynamic network of academic historians, archivists, teachers, museum professionals public historians, independent scholars, preservationists, activists and others interested in the study of Chicago women past and present.
If you are interested in Chicago women's history, please join us.
Memorial for Lynda Tipton

Lynda Tipton worked briefly as a staff person for Chicago Women’s Liberation Union and was a group leader in the CWLU Liberation School. Throughout her life Lynda was an activist for social justice.

Lynda Jo Tipton, age 67, passed away on March 16th after more than a year-long battle with kidney cancer. Lynda was the daughter of the late Joel W. and Elva (nee Bailey) Tipton of Erwin, TN. Lynda is survived by husband David de Vries, son Evan de Vries, sister Betty Scott of Waukesha, WI and sister Barbara Ratliff of Vermillion, OH.

Throughout her life Lynda was an activist for social justice. She marched for civil rights and women’s rights and against the wars in Vietnam and Iraq. After her work with the CWLU Lynda worked ten years as a union representative for SEIU Local 73. There she represented clerical, janitorial and technician staff at several Chicago area hospitals. As the mother of a biracial son, she was one of the founding members of the Interracial Family Network in the late 1980’s. She was very pleased to have lived long enough and see Barack Obama re-elected as President with high hopes for continued new directions domestically and internationally.

Lynda Tipton PhotoMemorial service for family and friends

Date: Saturday, April 6, 2013 at 2:00 pm Following the memorial service, the family will receive friends until 4 p.m.

Memorial location: Olson Burke/Sullivan Funeral & Cremation Center, 6467-77 N. Northwest Hwy., Chicago, IL, 773-774-3333.

Donations in lieu of fowers

Send donations in the memory of Lynda Tipton to:

The Kidney Cancer Association, 800-850-9132

Remembrance book about Lynda

We are asking that our immediate family and friends prepare a remembrance to share with all guests at the memorial, if you feel up to it. Eileen Willenborg will also be collecting remembrances in text form to include in a book of same. If you can prepare something to share, please do. She will be available after the memorial or by e-mail to talk with you about arrangements. Please send your remembrances and questions to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Read more... [Memorial for Lynda Tipton]
"Absolutely Safe" – a film about women’s health

Absolutely Safe ArtFilm screening and discussion on women’s health topics
Featuring Our Bodies Ourselves co-founder Judy Norsigian & filmmaker Carol Ciancutti-Leyva

Please join us to view the film and engage in a discussion on women’s health topics including breast implant safety, body image, and women’s health activism.

Date: Thursday, March 21, 2013
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm
Place: Auditorium, UIC School of Public Health,

1603 W. Taylor Street, Chicago, IL

This event is FREE and open to the public. Reserve your seat today.
To request more information, or to request accommodations, please contact Kris at 312-413-4251 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Read more... [Absolutely Safe" – a film about women’s health]
ICAH event honoring Jenny Knauss on Nov. 16th

Location: Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton Chicago

Time: 6 to 9pm

If you would like to gather after the event to share memories of Jenny and CWLU please RSVP to Estelle Carol at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Suggestions of where to gather are welcome.

ICAH is truly saddened by this loss of a leader and tireless advocate, and will honor her memory and give tribute to her legacy at a fall ICAH 35th anniversary celebration and reunion gathering.  Jenny died on June 11, 2012. Two awards will be presented: The Jenny Knauss Youth Advocate Award and the Jenny Knauss Emerging Organization Award.

See the details in the ICAH event notice below and BUY TICKETS for $75 at the ICAH website.  Please send this notice to friends and colleagues. We hope you will be able to come, meet old friends, honor Jenny and learn about plans the Caucus has in the coming year.

Read more... [ICAH event honoring Jenny Knauss on Nov. 16th]
The Hazards of Manhood

 "One way to enhance the exploitability of male bodies is to instill in them the desire to be men. The trick is to make feelings of self-worth contingent on the ability to display the qualities culturally defined as signs of being a real man."

Read more... [The Hazards of Manhood]
Honoring Jenny Knauss

Jenny Knauss and Lauren Crawford

A reminder that the Illinois Caucus on Adolescent Health event on Nov. 16th honoring Jenny Knauss has tickets on sale now (before September 15th) for $60.  See the details in the notice below and visit the ICAH website for tickets.  Please send this notice to friends and colleagues.

We hope you will be able to come, meet old friends, honor Jenny and learn about plans the Caucus has in the coming year.  Two awards will be presented:

Jenny Knauss Youth Advocate Award and the Jenny Knauss Emerging Organization Award.

Photo25-Jenny Knauss

 Jenny Knauss and Coral Norris at demo Cook Co. Hospital






Gallery Show: Original screen prints of the Chicago Women’s Graphics Collective posters

 August 10 reception from 6pm - 10pm

Uri-Eichen Gallery, 2101 S. Halsted, Chicago 60608
Show ends August 31.
After the reception please request to view the posters by appointment
Gallery website:
Gallery email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

 Everyone is invited to the reception.
It’s a great opportunity to connect, so please tell your friends.

 About the posters: From 1969 to 1983 the Chicago Women’s Graphics Collective produced feminist posters to decorate the walls of the women’s liberation movement. The posters were distributed world-wide by the thousands. Learn more.

 See the original silkscreen prints of these posters and meet Estelle Carol, one the founders of the Chicago Women’s Graphics Collective. Estelle also coordinates the CWLU Herstory Project.



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Mission Statement

We say that a small group of women can make mountains move. That was the lesson of CWLU workgroups in health, education, employment, and gay rights, to name a few. There we created the ideas and actions that helped women liberate each other from oppressive beliefs and old social habits.
Now we are sharing our history on the Internet to inspire new generations to continue the struggle for justice and equality.


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