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Posters, magnets, buttons and more available here

Honoring Jenny Knauss

Honoring Jenny Knauss

Memorial honoring Jenny Knauss to be held Nov. 16

Frontpage Slideshow | Copyright © 2006-2011 JoomlaWorks Ltd.
Special Viewing: "Miss Representation"

On February 8th, Near North Montessori School and Holy Trinity High School will be presenting a screening of the movie Miss Representation.  The film, written, directed and produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, discusses the mis-representation of women in the media and the effect it has on girls both young and old.

The screening will be held in the Auditorium at Holy Trinity High School on Wednesday, February 8th at 6:30 pm.  There will be a panel discussion following the film.  Tickets are $10 and can be purchased here.  Due to adult content, it is asked that no children attend the viewing.  Although, the students at Near North Montessori will be able to view an age appropriate version following the initial screening.

A preview of the film is available through Vimeo here.  So come out and support a great message and a powerful film!


Happy International Women's Day!

iwd-posterMarch 8th marks the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, a day to celebrate all of the social, economical and political freedoms women have and are achieving. Although not widely popular in the states, this global holiday is a celebration around the world.

At Herstory, we decided to celebrate with a brand new poster to commemorate the occasion, available at the Herstory Store.  The bookmark and notecard versions of our design are also available through the Syracuse Cultural Workers, which we talk about on our blog.

So get out there and do something empowering, or just tell the women in your life how much you love and respect them.  Either way, have a great day, we know we will!

New! Women's Health Movement Videos

We have new videos posted to our site featuring the history of the Women's Health Movement in Chicago.  The videos were adapted from a powerpoint slideshow on the subject, and are available in a four part series:

Founders of the Women's Movement in Chicago: Background and Inspiration for the CWLU

Formation of the CWLU: How the Chicago Womens Liberation Union came about.

CWLU and the Women's Health Movement in Chicago

CWLU's Legacy: A Hope for Tomorrow

A special thanks to our friends who provided images, helped script and narrate the videos and adapt them from the original slideshow.


Congrats to CAF!

caf-25-working-005Chicago Abortion Fund's 25th Anniversary Celebration was a huge success!  Look for blog posts from Paula Kamen and Judith Arcana about their experiences speaking at the event.

The "History of the CWLU" video we played at the event will be available on our website soon.  We'll also be unveiling a new online store featuring the newly designed magnets we had available at the CAF event.

To hear when these updates will be released, and other up-to-date CWLU Herstory news, sign-up for our e-newletter!

Chicago Abortion Fund Celebrates 25 Years

Jane Abortion Service Celebrates 40 Years

The anniversary celebration will take place Thursday, September 23 downtown Chicago.  It will not only celebrate the work CAF has done over the past 25 years, but also the work of “Jane”.  Activists, friends and family members of those involved with the “Jane Collective” came together 25 years ago to start the Chicago Abortion Fund.  They will be honoring Heather Booth and the Abortion Seven at this event.

Read more... [Chicago Abortion Fund Celebrates 25 Years]
Posters Gallery Showing

CryoutFeature Our Posters In Your Next Show!

In order to boost poster sales, the Chicago Women's Graphics Collective will loan a collection of its posters for a temporary showing at your art gallery, university or non-profit.

Read more... [Posters Gallery Showing]

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VFA Book Order


Mission Statement

We say that a small group of women can make mountains move. That was the lesson of CWLU workgroups in health, education, employment, and gay rights, to name a few. There we created the ideas and actions that helped women liberate each other from oppressive beliefs and old social habits.
Now we are sharing our history on the Internet to inspire new generations to continue the struggle for justice and equality.


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Our online store income supports our work. All proceeds from sales go to preserving the living history of feminism!

BUY posters in 3 sizes, t-shirts, fridge magnets, or buttons.

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