Our text memoirs come from a variety of sources. Some are reproduced from previously published material. Some are transcripts of speeches. Some are written specifically for this section. Others are developed from interviews conducted by researchers and journalists.
If you were involved with the Chicago Women's Liberation Union and would like to submit your memoir, please contact us.It doesn't have to be long. It doesn't have to short. It doesn't have to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. It just has to be true to you and your life in the women's movement.
Naomi Weisstein: October 13th, 1939 - March 26th, 2015
Pioneering neuroscientist
Among the initiators of the Cognitive Revolution
See her “Neural Symbolic Activity” in Science, and many other papers
Co-founder, Chicago Westside Group (1967)
Many papers available at Chicago Women’s Liberation Union Herstory website
Read more... [The Life and Work of Naomi Weisstein]
At the time that I joined my first consciousness raising group, I was fifteen, the youngest member of the CWLU, only two years in the United States, and a prolific journal writer, filling a hardbound notebook every three months. I’d been entranced with writing since my mother Rosario taught me the magic of the alphabet, and even more so when my first grade teacher Eleanor Jane West made a whole room of first graders understand that they were poets, but that year, 1969, I was writing for my life.
Read more... [Aurora Levins Morales: My life of struggle]
“In the hospital you’re on duty for 8 hours and if you get into trouble they’ll come and help you out. If you’re out in the district, you know, you sit there for 24 hours if they’re in labor and you really learn about labor. You learn all the physiology of childbirth and you have to know that and know it well before you can really apply your obstetrical knowledge and manage and deliver a baby properly.”---Dr. Beatrice Tucker 1897-1984.
Read more... [Dr Beautrice Tucker: Home Birth for Chicago's Working Class]
by Yamani Hernandez 06/18/12
Jenny Knauss (1937-2012)- adovocate for reproductive rights, women's health, and improving the health and welfare of the disenfranchised
Read more... [Remembering Jennifer Knauss, Fierce Leader and Advocate]
Before abortion was legal, Jody Howard co-founded a group that helped women with unwanted pregnancies. It went by the innocuous name "Jane," and over just a handful of years, some 11,000 women used its services by calling a telephone number and asking for "Jane Howe."
Read more... [Jody Howard, 1940-2010]
by Bob Simpson (2001)
was an unusual agenda item, even for one of our commune’s
house meetings. Usually house meetings discussed items like
dirty dishes, leaving peoples’ vinyl LP’s out
of their cases, or why someone had bought 6 bags of pinto
beans when everyone was sick of them.
Read more... [Close Encounters with the Chicago Women's Liberation Union]
by Vivian Rothstein (1998) — There
are some things you should never do when your marriage is on the
rocks. One of them is join a commune.
Read more... [The Magnolia Street Commune]
by Naomi Weisstein (1996) — In
Chicago, one cold and sunny day in March of 1970, I decided
to organize a feminist rock band. I was lying on the sofa listening
to the radio -- a rare bit of free time in those early days
of the women's movement. Perhaps a meeting had been canceled.
Read more... [Days of Celebration and Resistance: The Chicago Women's Liberation Rock Band, 1970-1973]
by Estelle Carol (2000) — In 1973, we worked in an old run down second floor office on Belmont Ave that we shared with the main offices of the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union. They call it New Town now, but in 1973, there wasn’t much new about it. We weren’t the only artists in the building though. Downstairs was a tattoo parlor.
Read more... [The Chicago Women's Graphics Collective]
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