Video Memoirs

old movie cam Although documentary video was still in its infancy when the CWLU was active, some footage exists from the period. In addition, there are more modern video interviews of former CWLU members.

If you were involved with the Chicago Women's Liberation Union and would like to submit a video memoir, please contact us. We can advise you on how best to record and ship your video submission to us.

To view the videos, you will need Quicktime . You may download Quicktime HERE


Heather Booth
In this clip Heather talks about the beginnings of the Abortion Counseling Service(aka "Jane").
Read more... [Heather Booth]
Jane Volunteers speak
Volunteers with the Abortion Counseling Service (aka "Jane") tell why they began doing the abortions themselves.
Read more... [Jane Volunteers speak]
Jenny Knauss talks about Alzheimers
Jenny Knauss was a leader in the CWLU's health projects. This 2003 clip from WGN News talks about her current struggle with Alzheimers and how she is helping young medical students understand the disease.
Read more... [Jenny Knauss talks about Alzheimers]
Judith Arcana
Judith sought out the Abortion Counseling Service ( aka "Jane") when she mistakenly thought she was pregnant. Here she tells why she decided to join the group.
Read more... [Judith Arcana]
Naomi Weisstein discusses Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chicago Women's Liberation Rock Band founding member Naomi Weisstein talks about her struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and her hopes for utopia.
Read more... [Naomi Weisstein discusses Chronic Fatigue Syndrome]
Susan Abod
Susan Abod was the lead singer of the Chicago Women's Liberation Rock Band. 
Read more... [Susan Abod]
Vivian Rothstein and her trip to North Viet Nam
CWLU founding member Vivian Rothstein talks about her trip to North Viet Nam at the height of the war in this short clip from the PBS documentary Young Blood.
Read more... [Vivian Rothstein and her trip to North Viet Nam]
Vivian Rothstein and the Civil Rights Movement
CWLU founding member Vivian Rothstein talks about her involvement in the Civil Rights Movement in this short clip from the PBS documentary Young Blood .
Read more... [Vivian Rothstein and the Civil Rights Movement]