Women's Health
Home and Natural Birth

So you want a natural birth...

Congratulations!  Having a natural birth is one of life's peak experiences, and not to be missed for casual reasons.  This is, however,  a minority point of view in our American culture, which values drugs of all types,  and birth on a schedule.  Letting nature take its course, both about when labor begins and ends, and everything in between, is almost always the best and safest option, for both you and your baby.  I have participated in over 600 natural births, as mother, birth assistant or doula and, since 1995, as a certified nurse-midwife.  I hope to participate in another 600 before I retire!!

Read more... [Home and Natural Birth]
Womens Health Videos

The Chicago Women's Health Movement Videos are a four part series featuring the background and inspiration for the CWLU, its foundation, history and legacy. The videos were adapted from a slideshow available here.

A History of the Women's Health Movement in Chicago
The Chicago Women's Liberation Union: The Legacy of Organizing Around Women's Health Issues is a 101 slide  PowerPoint presentation that summarizes some of the history of the women's health movement in Chicago.

Put together by former CWLU members Estelle Carol, Mardge Cohen, Lauren Crawford, Diane Horwitz, Jenny Knauus, Kathy Mallin and Coral Norris, this PowerPoint history is available for download. Please use it in your classes and as a research resource.

You may download The Chicago Women's Liberation Union: The Legacy of Organizing Around Women's Health Issues HERE (67.4 megs).



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