Laura Kaplan's The Story of Jane (1995) is the definitive history of the Abortion Counseling Service. In 1971 Laura Kaplan listened to a friend describe an abortion she had received from Jane. Laura, who wanted to become active in women's liberation, decided to join the group. The Service was already performing abortions when she began counseling women. She remained a member until 1973, when Jane disbanded. For obvious reasons, Jane kept few written records so when Laura began working on The Story of Jane, she had to rely heavily on interviews with former Jane members, associates and clients. All names in the book are pseudonyms, as many people did not want their real names used. Kaplan also wanted to make her book a collective biography, the story of a group of women, who calling themselves "Jane", did some extraordinary things in an extraordinary time.
- The University of Chicago Press publishes the book and has some short review excerpts. You may order the book online from this link.
- Democracy Now has a 1998 Pacifica Radio audio clip featuring Gloria Feldt of Planned Parenthood, author Laura Kaplan and former Jane volunteer Alice Fox. You will need the RealMedia player to listen to the show. Download the RealMedia player HERE.